Saturday, September 24, 2011

Social Studies and Science

This week we had a lesson on diversity.  We used a variety of apples to help us understand that we are all unique and special, yet the same inside.  We all have the desire to be loved, to have friends, and to be happy.  There is a star inside each one of us. 
Each student picked an apple from the basket.  

We examined the unique features of our apple.

Students took turns describing their apple.

  The apples were a variety of  colors.  Some apples had stems,
scabs, and/or bumps.

We put all the apples back in the basket and then put them
in the center of the carpet.  Students took turns finding their
own apple.   

We talked about how we knew it was our apple.

When the apples were sliced, we all could see the star found inside.

We used the apples to make a special project to help us remember  our lesson.

A study of wood and paper is the focus of our first semester of science.  We are learning what it means to be a scientist as we ask questions, make predictions, and explore new materials.  We record what we have learned in our Science Notebooks.  There will be times when a home/school connection worksheet will come home with each student.  These are wonderful opportunities for students to share what they have learned and continue to explore our topic.  We begin and conclude each lesson with a song!
We went on a wood hunt and looked for things in our room made from wood.
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Caring for Books and Shared Reading

Together we have been creating lots of anchor charts.  We have discussed how to care for books and what it should "look like", "feel like", and "sound like" when we are reading a big book at the carpet.

As we create an anchor chart, we practice and then come together to reflect on how we did.  We will continue to practice and refer to our charts.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shape Monsters and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Lots More Learning in Kindergarten

We have enjoyed reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Snack time in our classroom

We love to sing and dance throughout the kindergarten day

We are learning how to sit at the magical learning carpet.  It is where we listen, learn, and share.

Caring for books is something we are learning.  Covers face forward,
and spines line up together.

These are our book bins.  We are learning how to use them for
"Read to Self" during Daily 5.

Students LOVE our new wireless listening center!  It continues to be a favorite during Free Choice time. We will be using this center for "Listen to Reading" during Daily 5.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom projects completed

 Students actively practice 3 ways to read a book:
Read the Pictures
Read the Words
Retell the Story

Trey's Birthday

Shape Monsters

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Hats