We have been learning lots of new math games for our center activities.
This is a game called Clear the Board. Each student places ten cubes anywhere on their board. They roll the dice and add the number together. If they have a cube on that number, they are able to remove a cube from their board. The player who clears their board first is the winner. |
This game is called More or Less. Students first decide which color is Color #1 and which is Color #2. They then reach into the bag and grab a hand full of cubes. Students separate the colors and record how many of Color #1 and Color #2 they picked. After writing the numbers, they circle which was more. |
More or Less |
This game is called One More. Students roll a die and add one more to whatever they rolled and place a cube on that number. The player with five cubes in a row is the winner. |
This game is called Count and Color. Students roll two dice, count, and color the number. First player to color their board is the winner. |
Count and Color |
More of Less |
Clear the Board |
One More |
This game is Bump. Students roll two dice, add the number, and place a cube on that number. If another player rolls a number with a cube on it, they can bump that cube off. If a player rolls the same number twice, they can place another cube on top of their original cube and lock the number. If a number is locked, it can no longer get bumped. The first player to use all ten cubes is the winner. |
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