Tuesday, February 7, 2012

100th Day of School

Wow...what an exciting day it was!  We began our day with a story, Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten by Joseph Slate. We each made connections with the story.  I found myself feeling much like Miss Bindergarten as I prepared for this day.  After the story, we made our 100 day of school hats.  The pictures will take you through our day!  Hope you enjoy viewing our 100th day celebration!

After coloring and cutting, students made tallies to 100 under each bus.

Students lined up 10 colored strips and placed 10 stickers on each strip.

 Students discussed and wrote about their wishes for 100 things and the things they would not want.

We counted our collections to get them ready for display.

We made a parade to view all the collections of 100 items.

We had a search for numbers from 1-100 in our room.  Students found the post-it numbers and matched them on a number line.

We played a mystery number game.  Students listened as I called out different numbers to reveal the secret picture.  This was a great way to improve number recognition skills.

We enjoyed a special 100th Day of School snack.

We ended our day working on 100 piece puzzles.  This was a great way to end our 100th day of kindergarten.

Our 100th day of school celebration was exciting and fun!  We counted to 100 by 1's, 10's, and 5's.  We counted to 10 by 2's, and made 100 tallies.  We wrote about 100 things, and read stories about the 100th day of school.  We have grown a lot during these 100 days of school.  I look forward to celebrating each day of kindergarten as we continue learning.

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