Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We graphed our favorite gingerbread stories.  Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett was the class favorite.

Our genre focus has been fairytales.

We have been discussing the differences between needs and wants. 

Our Gingerbread Friends

We enjoyed reading many versions of The Gingerbread Man.

We used this story, Let's Make a Gingerbread Boy, to learn how to reconstruct sentences by looking at the first letter of a word and using the pictures. We know that these are strategies used by good readers and writers.

December 2011

Our Party Day

Our day began with the reading of Snowmen at Christmas by Caralyn Buehner.  After reading the story, students made a banana snowman treat.  

Later in the day we played "Share the Chair" 

We decorated gingerbread cookies

 We celebrated Jenna's birthday

 Our day ended with Buddy Reading

We want to THANK everyone for donating all the wonderful treats to make our day so much fun!!