Monday, May 28, 2012

Math Centers

We have been playing some new math games.  

Train race was a fun game to build addition skills.  Players took turns rolling dice, adding them together, and connecting them until they reached the end of a piece of yarn.  The player to reach the end of the yarn first was the winner.  

Students have played Make Zero to learn about subtraction.  They began by counting the total number of cubes in a cup and then would roll a die to find out how many cubes they would take away.  They learned how to write a subtraction equation and continued playing until they had zero cubes left.

Students continue to work on ordering numbers.  They would pick four numbers from a container and put them in order from least to greatest.

Earthworm Investigations

Students LOVED the earthworm investigations.  We first learned about the parts of an earthworm and then investigated the differences between red worms and night crawlers.  Students began each part of the investigation with a question.  As a class, we made a hypothesis and followed up with hands on observations.  Students recorded  their observations in their Science Journals as a conclusion to each lesson.

Shared Reading and Interactive Writing

We enjoyed reading Who's in the Shed? by Brenda Parkes.  Students responded to our shared reading in their Thoughtful Logs.

During interactive writing, we wrote a thank you letter to Busy Barns.  Students shared the pen as we reflected on the great time we had at the farm.